It is the third and latest installment of the Dragon Ball Online series, which has been going on since 2012 and based on the Korean and Japanese MMORPG Dragon Ball Online ( ドラゴンボールオンライン, Doragon Bōru Onrain, Korean: 드래곤볼 온라인, Deulaegon Bol Onlain ), and the sequel to Dragon Ball Online Revelations (the sequel to Dragon Ball Online ). Which is the latest Dragon Ball Online game? It was announced for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 consoles by Namco Bandai and Spike. When does Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 come out?ĭragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 (ドラゴンボール レイジングブラスト2, Doragon Bōru Reijingu Burasuto Tsū) is a fighting video game and the 2010 sequel to the 2009 game, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast. XBOX360 Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 + DLC FreebootENG 5.32 GB Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 (2010) PS3 EUR 3.42 Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PRO ISO License En 7.7 GB Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2. As in other MMORPGs, players are able to interact with other NPCs some characters being new and exclusive to the game, and others from the manga itself. Players are able to revisit detailed models of locations from the original Dragon Ball manga, including Mount Paozu, Kame House, Fire Mountain, Korin Tower, and West City.